As Xena and Gabrielle ventured towards EndCliff, the symbols they encountered seemed strangely familiar. Could these symbols hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the mysterious alliance?
As Xena and Gabrielle strolled towards the mountains, distant noises resembling metal tearing reached their ears. Sensing potential danger, Xena instinctively grasped Gabrielle’s hand to ensure they stayed together. Upon reaching the mountain’s summit, they discovered a vantage point allowing them to observe a conflict in the distance. Xena, aware of the heightened senses of the humanoid adversaries, cautiously concealed herself in the bushes to avoid detection. Worried about the unfolding situation, Gabrielle followed Xena’s lead in an attempt to remain discreet. The scene below unfolded like a chaotic dance. Humanoid figures, each with distinct features, clashed in a battle that seemed to have no clear winner. Xena’s sharp eyes analysed the situation, trying to discern any patterns or alliances among the factions.
-Xena, what are they fighting for? Do you recognize any of them?
It’s hard to tell from this distance, Gabrielle. But it seems like a struggle for territory or resources. Different groups with their own motives, perhaps… but I don’t recognize them….(bringing the view of modern technological lenses closer)…but Those markings… I’ve seen them before….Gabrielle?… Do you remember those symbols we found in the ancient texts back in the library?
-You mean the ones that spoke of an ancient power?
-Yes……There’s something powerful at play here, and we need to understand it. But we can’t confront them directly. We need more information.
-So, what’s our next move, Xena?
-I don’t know if I have something back in the apartment that can guide us…….maybe in the data of these technology machines….We need to find out more about these markings and the ancient power they represent. Our journey just got more complicated, Gabrielle.
-But…but we can handle it together, right?
-I want to believe that we can Sweetheart….(caressing Gabrielle’s cheek and smile sideways)….but we can’t confront them directly it might be to dangerous.
-But how do we do that without getting too close?
-We need a plan. Let’s observe for now and wait for an opportunity to get closer without being detected.
-but is to risky Xena……They are artificial intelligence…they can detect us at any time….I don’t want anything to happen to you Xena, to happen to us…they could kill us, love……
-I know sweetheart but we can’t live in fear, and let the fear paralyzed us….I promise I will think in some strategy….There’s always a way to outsmart our opponents, even if they’re artificial intelligence. (caressing Gabrielle’s hair)….
Gabrielle nodded at Xena’s wise words, which made her feel a little calmer. They went up the hill back to Southallow, to the apartment where they were staying to think about a strategy, to get more information, when they arrived Xena took off all her teach wear, staying only in her leather underwear with a bathrobe and went to the room where Gabrielle was sitting on that white leather sofa. Xena had already formulated a plan, before heading to Southallow with Gabrielle, she possessed a peculiar device – a clock-like gadget with the capability to retrieve information about various cities and objects. This device operated as a projector, allowing her to visually access and project information whenever needed.
-Gabrielle, this device can tap into the city’s surveillance network. If we can access their data feeds, we might be able to gather information about the symbols and the ancient power they represent without getting close.
-How did you get that?….How do you know about it? 
-I got it in that place where we woke up, I took it from Emily and analysed the device while she was using it, and understood how information can be acquired from the data feed of the humanoids, each city, and each machine.
-Can you really do that, Xena?
(gaze mischievously at Gabrielle and smiles sideways)…I have many skills….
-Well, aren’t you full of surprises?(Gaze a Xena and smile mischievously)…..what else can be done with that device?
-Let’s just say, it has its uses.
-alright love…… and Could we enter from here to the city’s surveillance network?
-I’m afraid not, love… I can access the map of the strong points, and some other data… but to enter the city’s surveillance network, we will need to go to one of the strong points, to be able to hack to access the data feed.
-I’m impressed…I never knew you were so tech-savvy.
-(Xena chuckle)…..I’ve picked up a few tricks along the way.
After a few minutes, Xena began to look for the strong points around her where she could access the city’s surveillance network, in order to access the data feed, nimbly manipulating the holographic, she found several cities and villages within them was Endsby cited to the north of Endcliff, Gabrielle, always quick on her feet, leans in closer.
-if we got to some of those strong points….. Any chance they’ll trace us back?
-(Xena raises an eyebrow)…With me at the helm? I won’t let them sweetheart… But we need to be quick and precise.
with Xena deftly manipulating through the virtual maze, and Gabrielle providing valuable information. The holographic screen flashes as they successfully access the strong points located in the town of Devil’s fork in the eastern province of Harlow, just a few hours from Southallow, Xena cleverly stops the hologram, and enlarges the image of the map, while analysing the movements that were being reflected, when she zoomed in she saw that it was a city, with a lot of mobilisation.
Devil’s fork city hologram
-Gabrielle here (Pointing to the hologram)
-Love, it looks spooky and it’s a big city…. Where is it located?
-I collected the data of this city. It is located in the east of the province of Harlow…It has a lot of movement and the strongest point is within that city. (Projecting the information)…
-but…. it looks very risky… Xena love, I don’t want anything to happen to us, we are in a completely unknown world, we don’t know what we can find in that place.
-We have to be cautious sweetheart, but we can’t be paralysed by fear, we have to collect the information from those ancient symbols. I promise I won’t let that something happen to us…I know it seems daunting, my love, but we’re on a quest to uncover the secrets of these ancient symbols and the mysteries of this world. If we want to stop the impending danger, we have to face it head-on. (caressing Gabrielle’s cheeks and smile sidewys)…just trust me and trust in the process.
-I do my love…I just got worried….(hugging Xena tight)
-we’ll heading to Devil’s fork in the morning….. it is just a few hours from here, but as we will go walking it will take us like a day or so.
The next morning Xena got up very early, not expecting the sun to rise, and woke up Gabrielle. The earlier they start their trip, the faster they arrive, Xena gently shook Gabrielle awake, whispering in her ear, Xena smiled at Gabrielle’s sleepy protest and brushed a strand of hair away from her face.
-Wake up, my love. It’s time to start our journey to Devil’s Fork.
-(Gabrielle groggily opened her eyes, adjusting to the dim light in the room)…..the sun its not even up….(yawn).
-I know, my bard, but the early bird catches the worm, or in our case, gets a head start on the journey.
-Can we sleep a little longer?…….We’ve got plenty of time to reach Devil’s Fork, don’t we?
-We do sweetheart, but I have a feeling we’ll need every moment we can get. while we start our journey early…we can reach Devil’s fork earlier, and once we get there, We will look for a safe place to stay and sleep.
-what if is not a safe place to stay love?
-then we’ll find another place sweetheart…(kissing Gabrielle’s forehead)
Xena looked into Gabrielle’s eyes and could see the concern, she hugged her tightly and kissed her on the mouth, leaving Gabrielle breathless. Then they began to gather what they would need for that trip. At the moment Xena’s device began to vibrate strongly, leaving Xena with each vibration a little weak and pale.
-What’s wrong Xena? (worried)
-(gasp, trying to steady herself as the beeping continued)…..I don’t know…This (rapid breathing)…
-is the device in your heart right love?
-(Xena nodded)…..Yes, it’s the device. (grimacing) It’s never beeped like this before.
-We need to figure out what’s going on, Xena. Can you stand?
-(nodded)….I believe I can sweetheart (caressing Gabrielle’s cheeks)
-This can’t be good.  Love we have to find someone who can help….. maybe Emily can.
-(still struggling to catch her breath and managing a weak smile)….We have a mission, Gabrielle. We can’t let this device stop us….we need to reach Devil’s fork to hack the city’s surveillance network….
With determination, Xena got up from the table, weak but that didn’t stop her, she took the things they packed, and they began their journey towards the city of Devil’s fork, which was east of Harlow, every hour that passed Xena weakened more but she had to arrive to be able to hack, the surveillance network of Endcliff’s village, As they walked through the forest, Xena leaned back from a tree with difficulty breathing, but explosions could be heard nearby, Gabrielle help to Xena walking supporting her by grabbing her by the waist, As they travelled, Xena’s condition seemed to worsen. The device continued to vibrate at irregular intervals, draining her strength with each jolt. Gabrielle watched helplessly, wishing she could do more to ease Xena’s suffering.
At the end of the day they had reached their destination, despite how weak Xena was, they managed to hack the system, the device implanted in Xena’s heart had stopped vibrating for a moment, which made it easier for her to collect the data feed and save it, Gabrielle saw her worried about her state of health, when Xena saved it into the memory, she gave it to Gabrielle with a trembling voice and shortness of breath, looks Gabrielle in the eye.
-Gabrielle….(shortness of breath)….(gasp)….
-(Xena’s side)…..Xena, you don’t look good….(worried)…is the device again right.
-(complaining) umju…..sweetheart, listen carefully to what I’m going to tell you… (smiles faintly)…. I want you to have this… (passing the electronic memory)….
-But Xena…..
-Please…. Listen to me, the device I have implanted is stopping working, or is damaged.
-What do you mean by that? (sobs)
-I don’t have much time…it’s poisoning me.
-You’re not going to leave me, are you?
-Gabrielle…(smiling weakly)…I won’t leave you, but I don’t know how much time I have left, (forced breathing)
-you won’t leave me right Xena?
-I wish I could stay with you forever…( coughing and spitting blood)
-we need to move on…(difficult to breathe)…to a safe place.
-but you can barely walk….(sob, helping Xena)….
-I can walk….let’s move on (weak)…I need you to be strong Gabrielle.
-Strong when my love is dying once more time in my hands…(sobs)
As they walked down the dimly lit hallway, Gabrielle supported Xena, who was struggling to keep up her strength. The weight of the situation was pressing down hard on them and the urgency of finding a safe place was becoming a little more difficult. Xena was in pain and was vomiting, she was all sweaty and burning with fever. They stopped for a moment and Gabrielle helped her sit her for a moment in a corner and give her water to keep her hydrated, they are heading to a beach town called Ashshores in Harlow Province near Devil’s Fork.
After that short break, Gabrielle and Xena continued walking through the internal tunnel, at the end of that tunnel there was an exit, where the small beach town was located, it looked calm, there were no signs of conflict, there was an air of tranquilly, you could hear some humanoid children playing in the distance, Xena was very weak,  It was hard for her to stay awake, but she struggled not to faint.
Gabrielle, I need you to promise me something…(struggle not to faint)
-Anything, love. Just tell me. (drying some tears)
-I need you to continue the fight….(shortness of breath)…The information we retrieved is crucial. It can save countless lives.
-But I can’t do it without you Xena.(sobs)….
-You’re stronger than you think, my love…(gasp)….you have the courage and the heart to make a difference…..(coughing and spitting blood)… Promise me you’ll carry on.
-(sobs)…I promise you Xena…but you must promise me something too.
-(gaze at Gabrielle’s eyes with love and sadness reflecting in their depths)…..(coughing)….Anything.
-Promise me you’ll fight. Fight for your life..
-(nodded faintly)….I’ll fight, for as long as I can…(gasp)…but is getting hard to breath.
-I’ll contact Emily….
Xena’s strength diminished, as Gabrielle held her tightly, Xena’s condition worsened sharply. Her beeping and vibration increased and she collapsed, in Gabrielle’s arms, with a few tears in her eyes.
-Ga…..Gabrielle (collapses)…
-Xena…..(caressing her cheek)…Xena, don’t leave me.
At that moment a humanoid passed by and saw Gabrielle hugging Xena’s body crying. These humanoids were still good and had feelings, they were created to love with equality. She approached quickly and analysed Xena.
-help…..I need help…..please (crying)
-We have to take her to our creator….
-she is dead?
-No, she is not dead….. (analysing the vital signs)… we don’t have much time, her vital signs continue to go down… I see that she has been poisoned with mercury.
Vital signs 
pressure: very low
heart rate: very low
respiratory rate: very low
status: poisoned by mercury
The humanoid quickly lifted Xena’s limp body with ease, cradling her in its mechanical arms. Gabrielle, with tear-streaked eyes, followed closely as the humanoid rushed towards their creator’s lab. As they entered the well-lit laboratory, filled with advanced technology and flickering holographic displays, the humanoid gently laid Xena on a medical examination bed. The creator, a wise and benevolent scientist named Aiden, rushed over as soon as he saw the dire situation.
what happened here? 
She’s been poisoned with mercury (said Gabrielle, crying)…..
-What is her name and yours?
-My name is Gabrielle, this is my beloved Xena.
-how she been poisoned with Mercury?
-Xena has a device attached to her heart…I don’t know much about it but when we came back to life, the scientist said that they attached a device to her heart.
As Gabrielle explained, Aiden got to work immediately, hooking up Xena to various monitors and scanning devices. His fingers danced over the holographic controls as he analysed the extent of the poison’s damage.
-This is a highly advanced poison, Gabrielle. It’s attacking her neural pathways and her blood steam, shutting down vital functions.
-you have to save her please…..(sobs)
-I’ll do everything in my power to save her, but I will need to open her chest and take off the device, I see is connected to her heart. It’s very risky.
-could you save her?….(sobs)
-I’ll try…..but the important thing is to remove the device.
-it’s takes long?
-Well, it is a delicate incision on Xena’s chest…..could take more that 5 hours…The holographic displays here flickered with real-time data, it will showing the poisoned pathways and the critical condition of Xena’s vital organs. come see Gabrielle.
-(paying attention and trying to understand)………
-did you see those red and blue lines in her pathways….as you see the blue line is the mercury in her blood steam. As you can see, it has a large amount….this device that was implanted in Xena’s heart is from the Alpha and Omega alliance. It is a very strong and powerful alliance, they can create and kill too.
Gabrielle’s eyes widened in disbelief as she processed Aiden’s words. The seriousness of the situation became evident and her heart pounded in fear for Xena’s life… Gabrielle was confused and she didn’t understand why they wanted to kill Xena.
-What do they want with Xena? Why would they do this to her? (confusing)
-The Alpha and Omega alliance is known for their pursuit of power and control. Xena’s reputation as a formidable warrior and leader makes her a threat to their influence. They might be trying to eliminate her as a potential obstacle or to send a message to others who dare to challenge them.
-but….what they did is contradictory…why did they revive? Why revive Xena to kill her?
-They didn’t want to kill Xena….they wanted her as a weapon, to kill the alliances and they have the power of everything. They wanted Xena as a leader for them. They also implanted a neuro-chip in Xena’s brain…did you know about that?
– no I didn’t…….a neuro-chip?…… what is a neuro-chip?
– probably Xena don’t know about it……but yes….is an integrated circuit chip, that is designed for interaction with neuronal cells.
-what’s the purpose of that?
-It allows Xena to control and hack computer systems and most devices, it also allows her to control each humanoid currently and a have more technological knowledge, basically what they want is for Xena to hack the systems and collect valuable information for them to have control of everything and create a new alliance, and control every humanoid and human being in the world.
-so basically they want to turn her into a sort of puppet leader, controlling her every move and using her skills for their own gain?
-exactly, that’s the point…The neuro-chip they implanted in her brain gives them direct access to her thoughts and actions, allowing them to manipulate her as they see fit.
-But why Xena? Why not someone else?
-Xena’s reputation precedes her. She’s known for her tactical brilliance, her combat prowess, and her unwavering determination. She’s a natural leader, and that’s exactly what they need to spearhead their plans for domination.
-could you remove the neuro-chip from her brain?
-it won’t be easy Gabrielle….Removing the neuro-chip is a delicate process. It’s not just a piece of technology; it’s integrated with Xena’s neural pathways. Attempting to remove it could be dangerous for Xena’s brain activity, it can damage her brain….
-We have to do something. We can’t let them control Xena like that.
-I can try…but I can’t do two procedures, Xena is very weak…I have to remove the heart device first…then we’ll see what can be done…now Gabrielle we can’t waste any more time. Xena’s life is running out, I am going to begin the procedure. I will keep you informed, Era-9 is going to take you to one of our suites. you and Xena can stay, we are safe here.
-Thank you very much Eiden but as soon as Xena recovers, we have to leave, we are in the middle of a mission, we need to return to Southallow.
-I never heard of that place…where specifically is it?
-north of NYC…it’s a quiet place, but thank you, I appreciate it.
-you can stay while Xena recovers.
-Of course, no problem…(smiles sweetly)
-Era, please take Miss Gabrielle to one of our suites, and give her everything she needs.
-yes daddy… can follow me miss Gabrielle.
-Eiden, could I stay in the waiting room till you finish….(sobs)..I don’t want to leave her…before you took her, can I kiss her.
-of course Gabrielle…will leave you a moment with her)
-Thank you.
When Aiden left Gabrielle alone with Xena for a moment, Gabrielle kissed her with tears in her eyes, caressed her cheek and brushed a strand of hair from her face and began to speak sweetly to her.
-Xena, my love…please fight for your life, don’t leave me again…I know you are listening to me, please come back to me, I love you. (grabbing her hand tightly)… Please fight, Fight my love, so that we can be together as always. I don’t know what I would do without you in this world… you are everything to me Xena… you have to fight for our love, like you always have. (she sobs) … I promise I will always take care of you, I promise to always be with you.
With these words Xena made a gesture on her face but did not wake up, she was unconscious, Aiden quickly enters and takes Xena to the modern operating room, sending Gabrielle to a waiting room, observing her surroundings, when a small humanoid approached her, and began to caress her face and look with those bright grey eyes and smile at her, Gabrielle gazed down at the small humanoid with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The creature’s touch was gentle, and its eyes sparkled with a warmth that immediately put Gabrielle at ease. The small being seemed to radiate a sense of tranquillity, which contrasted sharply with the tense atmosphere surrounding Xena’s medical emergency.
-Hello there….Who are you? (sob)
-I am Data-10….(Analizing Gabrielle)….You’re Gabrielle from ancient Greek…..I sensed the pain and love in your heart.
-I’ll show you something…..(projecting Xena’s brain memories imagen)…..look, I have accessed Xena’s memories to help you understand her journey and the essence of your connection. The love and bond you two share are extraordinary.
-But why are you showing me this now? What’s happening to Xena?
-Xena is undergoing a critical moment in her physical form. We, the Keepers of tranquility, have been observing and assisting various beings across different realms. Xena’s spirit is strong, and her actions have created ripples across time and space. We felt compelled to intervene and offer our assistance. Do not worry, Gabrielle. We are here to guide and support. Xena’s journey is not yet complete, and there is a greater purpose she fulfilled. We are working to stabilise her condition and restore balance.
-my  Xena is dead?
-no, she is not dead, she is just unconscious…our creator Eiden, he is doing everything he can to help her. she is on her dream’s pathway, she will be ok, you both are connected.
Gabrielle smiled at Data-10 for the reassuring words, then after about 10 hours Aiden emerged from the modern futuristic operating room, his scrubs stained with sweat and a mixture of relief and exhaustion etched on his face. Gabrielle’s heart raced as she saw him, and without a second thought, she rushed towards him. The sterile hospital corridor echoed with the sound of her footsteps, blending with the distant hum of medical equipment, Aiden noticed Gabrielle’s concern, and placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly.
I know this is overwhelming, Gabrielle. Xena is a fighter, and we’ve done everything we can for her.
-(sobs)…How is her? I miss her.
-she will be ok, but she is very weak…The operation went well, but her vital signs dropped while I was doing the procedure….
-(sobs)…Did you stabilise her?
-…yes Gabrielle don’t worry…but she’s in a medically induced coma to allow her body to recover without added stress. the machines are monitoring her close and I am keeping ayes on her.
-Induced coma? what’s that?
-oh I’m sorry…well it is a reversible unconscious state that I did in purpose to give her time to recovery from the procedure…is like if she were sleeping, and is to protect her brain for any damage, and to recover without added stress.
-Will she wake up?(sobs)
-she will wake up in her time.
-how long? (crying)
-It depends on her and how quickly she recovers.
-(crying)….I just want to be with her, Aiden. I want to see her, talk to her, and let her know I’m here.
-I’m pretty sure she knows that you’re here…let me guide you to her room.
Aiden gently takes Gabrielle to Xena’s recovery room, when she entered her heart sank in deep pain as she saw her beloved warrior with all those strange machines placed on her, Xena looked so fragile, so vulnerable, Gabrielle felt Some tears came out, hugging Aiden she cries uncontrollably, Aiden tries to cheer her up by telling her that Xena is stable. Gabrielle nodded, inhaling shakily.
-Take a deep breath Gabrielle…she will need you strong when she wakes up…She’s stable, Just take a moment, I’m monitoring her closely. The induced coma is giving her body the time it needs to heal without any external stressors. It’s a standard procedure in complex surgeries.
Gabrielle approached Xena’s bed and reached out to caress her cheek, and kissed her forehead, Aiden gave Gabrielle space so she can talk to Xena and spend time with her, Gabrielle sits next to Xena and begins talk to them, tell them things, the soft lights of the recovery room projected a soft glow creating a soft atmosphere of tranquillity, as Gabrielle spoke to Xena, Aiden attended the scene from afar and monitored Xena’s vital signs in case any changes occurred.
-hey my warrior…(caressing Xena’s hair)….I know you can hear me (sobs) Xena You’ve faced countless battles, and this won’t be any different. You’re strong, and you always find a way to come back to me.
The room felt still and quiet as Gabrielle continued to talk, sharing with Xena stories of their past adventures, happy times and everything they had grown as a couple, but there was no sign thatIn which she was, Gabby still with hope continued talking for long hours without resting, until she fell asleep, lying next to Xena’s unconscious body.
The days turned into weeks and Gabrielle remained with Xena, talking, sharing more memories of when they first met, the battles they faced and the challenges they overcame, with tears in her eyes she asks Aiden who was adjusting those machines on Xena’s body and checking the holographic waves of Xena’s internal organs.
-What’s happening?…Why hasn’t my warrior woke up?
-Gabrielle, you have to be patient, Xena went through a very complicated operation, and her blood system was critically infected with mercury, her body is going through a recovery process. (reassuring  her), but keep talking to her like you do, she listens. 
Aiden looked at Gabrielle with empathy, his eyes reflecting the shared concern for their beloved warrior. The soft hum of the medical equipment filled the room as Aiden continued his adjustments and observations.
-Xena my love…I need you here with me (kissing her forehead)…I need you to woke up.
-Gabrielle, you’re doing good. Your presence and your words, they matter, keep goin… Xena’s body is fighting hard to recover, and your voice is a source of strength for her…why you don’t go to the suit and rest a little.
-no Aiden, I need to be here for her, I can rest here.
-Gabrielle, you’ve been sleeping here for 8 days, you have to rest, Xena is going to need all your strength when she wakes up, listen to me, Vex-5 is going to take care of her, and I will keep her monitored.
-What if she wakes up and doesn’t see me?
-Vex-5 will inform me if there are any changes and I will inform you immediately, trust me
-I trust you Aiden.
-Then listen to me and rest for a while, I’m sure Xena wanted the same thing.
-Well yes, she has always been worried about me.
-so? go rest Data-9 is going to take you, the suit is here on its side.
-It’s okay….(speaking to Xena)…my love, I’ll be right back, I know you were going to want me to rest the same way, I love you.
Unconvinced, Gabrielle agreed to go rest a little in that suite, giving Xena one last kiss on the forehead before leaving. Dr. Aiden watches her leaving the recovery room with a mixture of concern and relief, paying attention to the monitors and attaching one or another scientific equipment. While Gabrielle was settling into that suit, she began to look at everything around her, took a deep breath and headed to the futuristic kitchen to get some water, took off her leather jacket and sat on the couch in that cosy living room, Data- 9 stayed looking at her with those expressive eyes, she sat down next to her, to give her a little company, some words of relief.
-hey There!…..(looking at Data-9)
-You’re such a beautiful little humanoid.
-thank you, my dad Aiden created me, he created us with mankind, we don’t hurt, we help people and humanoids.
-Delta did you know about the Alpha and Omega Alliance? 
-My dad, Aiden, doesn’t programming in my system that knowledge, but I know something.
-hmmm…interesting…What do you know about them?
-They want to take control of everything, they use different forces of power including ancient symbols, to manage all the alliances, they use humans and some humanoids, implanting a neuro chip to manage them…I know that Xena has one implanted, they want her as a leader to hack the network city surveillance…and acquire more information about the different forces of power and be able to kill whoever they want and take power of all the alliances.
-Yes, Aiden was explain me about the chip that my love have, but he told me that he couldn’t make two procedures on Xena…because it is very risky and can cause harm to Xena.
-positive my dad couldn’t, he need to wait until Xena recovers, and gain strange, she is very weak right now. Dad said that w must to wait until Xena got stronger, but you said you both are on a mission and need to leave.
-yes, Xena could do the part and she give it to me, but we must to go somewhere else, to complete the process, we just come here because she wasn’t well, and we needed a safe place to stay but I didn’t know the situation gravity, and  (sobs) I’m so scare that something could happens to her.
-Xena is strong, nothing will happen to her, and the love you have for each other goes beyond any illness or Alliance, you just have to trust.
Data-10 tries to cheer Gabrielle up, and tried to make her forget about the situation a little, he walked towards the kitchen, to show Gabrielle how things work., Gabrielle nodded, appreciating the encouragement. She glanced around the room, feeling a mix of emotions. The sleek, modern design of the suite clashed with the intensity of the situation they found themselves in. It was a stark reminder of the complexities of their world, where advanced technology coexisted with ancient threats.
-Gabrielle, my dad is sending me data about Xena’s status….
-what the data say?
-indicates me that her vital signal are stabilised.
That’s good news, Data-10. Stabilized vital signs mean she’s holding on.
Indeed, Gabrielle. The medical data suggests that Xena is responding positively to the treatments. Your wife is a resilient individual.
Thank you, Data-10. I appreciate you keeping me informed.(sigh)
-but hey, come and see this here…
-What do you want to show me? 
You know, Gabrielle, the advancements in technology have truly transformed our lives. This kitchen, for example, can prepare a wide array of dishes with just a few simple commands…You can choose from a multitude of recipes or even input your own. It’s incredible how far we’ve come. (activating the holographic interface and showcasing the variety of options)
-all this technology is amazing…but I miss the simplicity of life, a campfire, a good stew.
Technology has its wonders, but there’s a unique charm in the simplicity of the past. Perhaps we can find a balance, combining the best of both worlds.
-you’re right. Finding that balance is important. Thanks for trying to cheer me up, Data-10.
Continue part 3