Warning Notes

This Fanfic contains sexual content

The next day, Lucrecia got up around 6 am, went to the bathroom, took a shower, but before she checked on Victoria and the beautiful blonde was still sleeping, Lucrecia smiled lopsidedly, after taking a well-deserved warm bath, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast some toast with coffee and orange juice, at the end she did not feel Victoria awake so she went to the room and still sees her lying down sleeping, she would have let Vick rest more but she had a long trip so they decided to go in RV to knowing more.


Lucrecia POV

At the end of breakfast I went to the room, where my dear was still asleep, I approached her, ran my fingers through her golden hair, caressed her face and kissed her lips, she moaned a little when she felt my contact and accommodates a little more in bed but does not wake up “she looks so angelic, so peaceful” I thought… but we had that trip was long around 16hrs in RV.

– (caressing her hair)…. Victoria dear.

– (yawns)….hmmm….

– My dear, let’s get up, we have to travel (looking at her tenderly).

-just 5 more minutes….. (Yawns)

-come on dear…… (Caresses her face)

– (with sleepy eyes, smiles sweetly) … I’m going to get up …. I’m going to…… (She closes her eyes)…….

-Victoria (she scratches her nose) …… come on! We have to get out of here in half an hour.

-aff (she opens her eyes and looks at Lucrecia) … already, I woke up.

-I’m sorry my beautiful for waking you up, but we have to travel and we’re going to RV, do you remember dear, we talked about it yesterday.

– (big eyes)….oh god! It’s true…..and I’m running to take a shower to get ready.

-Go ahead my heart, I’m going to pack the sandwiches and something else for us to eat on the trip, you can rest while I drive.

– Okay, I’m very sleepy.

-I know it’s difficult, but  we’ll go ahead. (smiles lopsidedly)

Before Vick, or as Lucrecia affectionately called her, entered the bathroom, she embraced Lucrecia warmly. The hug was so reassuring and genuine that Lucrecia reciprocated with the same sincerity. She had always enjoyed taking care of and protecting Vick. While Vick was in the shower, Lucrecia quickly packed a few clothes for both of them. She didn’t pack much since they planned to buy more at their destination. As Lucrecia made the preparations, she suddenly began to bleed from the nose, which startled her. Thoughts raced through her mind, wondering, “What is happening? How is this possible?” She couldn’t believe that Julie was somehow involved in everything. Lucrecia suspected that Julie, through inheriting her powers, was attempting to infiltrate her mind to discover Victoria’s identity. Hearing Vick’s voice, Lucrecia acted swiftly, cleaning the blood with a piece of paper and discreetly hiding it so that Vick wouldn’t notice. Despite her efforts, Lucrecia couldn’t hide the concern and slight pallor on her face.

-I’m ready….. (Suspecting)…love, are you okay?

-yes, yes… (Takes a deep breath)…just a little tired, but I’m fine.

-(caring her face) … are you sure you want to drive? We can take a similar flight and you rest more.

-Yes, I’m sure I’ll be driving, we also need to take some of our things.


-We have to take our laptops and things from our work.

-Okay (she looks at her coquettishly and smiles sweetly)

The girls had left RB they would drive for 12 hrs., on the way while Lucrecia was driving, Vick had fallen asleep, Lucrecia was feeling a little tired but she still continued, she felt a little sick, she had to make a stop she wanted to vomiting, she didn’t have time to go to the RB’s bathroom so she opened the door quickly and vomited, Victoria heard her cough and woke up quickly and grabbed her hair, passed her some water.

-Drink some water honey.

– (takes a deep breath and grabs the glass of water)…. Sorry darling, I didn’t want to wake you up … (she takes a drink of water)

-Don’t worry love, forget that, the important thing is that you get better, come let me drive, you go rest, you’re a little pale.

-I’m good!

-you’re not,  you just vomited everything… Do you feel sick?

-I don’t know, I think something messed up in my stomach.

-go to rest love, I’ll drive (passing his hand over his face), sleep for a while, it will get you better.

– (Smiles lopsidedly)…thank you darling.

had passed some hours and they finally reached their destination, the place was beautiful and quiet, a modern beach-type house, with all the glass windows facing the beach where only the waves of the sea could be heard, The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the sandy shores. Lucretia and Victoria stepped out of their car, stretching their limbs after the long journey. The air was salty, and a gentle breeze tousled their hair as they approached the entrance of the beach house. The sleek, modern design of the house stood in stark contrast to the natural beauty surrounding it. Large glass windows adorned the front, offering a panoramic view of the tranquil ocean. The sound of waves crashing against the shore was a soothing melody that welcomed them.

Lucrecia POV

That night I felt tense, my head hurt, so I prepared the Jacuzzi. I filled it with warm water and went in, tried to relax, closed my eyes a little, put on some Zen music, suddenly I felt warm hands massaging my shoulders, and kissing my neck I immediately recognized those warm hands, the hands of my Gabrielle, Sailor’s hands , without realizing it, she entered with me.

-my love!…. why you’re so tense?…. you need to relax!

-I  don’t now  but it ‘s almost impossible for me to relax, but your hands are angelic, it calms me down.

With deep and accelerated breathing, she closes her eyes and lets herself be carried away by the hands of her beloved, who slowly caresses and gives a relaxing massage to her love.

-just let yourself go my love…don’t tense.

Lucrecia was overwhelmed with passion, and only Victoria had the power to evoke such intense emotions within her. Her hands traversed the brunette’s back, and she tenderly kissed her neck, initiating a seductive dance. With a unique charm, she explored every inch of Victoria’s body, caressing her breasts. The two engaged in a passionate exchange of kisses and caresses, where Victoria displayed a dominant yet loving demeanour. In the Jacuzzi, Victoria took the lead, teasing and cornering Lucrecia before initiating a deep kiss. Victoria’s lips descended to Lucrecia’s breasts, eliciting moans of pleasure as she skill fully explored her flat abdomen with gentle, lingering kisses.

– Nope! (Groans)….hmmm

– You don’t want? (Victoria smiles coquettishly)….

-Well, no…Well yes!!…aff.

-Calm down, I just want you to relax.


But Victoria didn’t stop, on the contrary, she licked, kissed and caressed more that brunette that drove her crazy, Lucrecia trembled, and her breathing accelerated with each kiss and with Victoria’s warmth with her body, but Victoria felt Lucrecia a little more tense then decided to stop and ask if he was okay.

-Are you alright Lucrecia?

-mmmm…..aff (deep breath)

-Then I’ll stop, I’d better give you a massage, Lucrecia, why are you so tense these last few days? You know you can always talk to me.

-I know, Victoria, but the truth is that since she appeared in our lives again, I haven’t felt very well, I didn’t want to tell you so as not to worry you, my dear.

-Lucrecia love, you have to tell me, I need to know what’s happening to you, because I don’t feel  you the same you weren’t so nervous.

-….I’ve had episodes of nose bleeds, mainly at night because my head turns into crap, I have feelings that she wanted to get into my mind and play with my head like before.

-My love, you have to stop thinking about her……

-I do, but they come suddenly.

-Look, we are going to do one thing, we are going to enjoy ourselves without thinking about anything, neither in the past nor in Alti, we are going to the beach tomorrow to relax, we are going to spend a wonderful day just being you and me, I want you to forget a day of our past that we are now in the present.

-I would like my love, but it is almost impossible because our past will always be with us my beautiful.

– At least try it just one day, so you can relax.

-I’ll try (kisses her forehead and hugs her)

-promise me! (Looking into her eyes)

-I promise you (hugs Victoria tightly)… I assure you that I will not allow them to separate us again or for anything to happen to us.

-I know , I trust you my dear.

Author POV

Lucrecia took some sleeping pills because she couldn’t sleep, she looked to her side and Victoria slept, she had stayed awake to watch over her beloved’s sleep, but because of the pill she fell asleep, the pills blocked the passageways to sleep so that Alti could not disturb.

Victoria POV

I had slept like a baby so well next to my brunette. I woke up, I saw the clock, it was 5 to 8, I covered Lucrecia because she had uncovered herself sleeping, I thought “my brunette has a bad sleep” I laughed, I went to the bathroom, I took a warm shower, I started to hum some of my favourite songs, I always had done after I went out to dry my hair and put on light clothes, I went to the kitchen and make something for breakfast before my Lucrecia woke up. I went through the room and Lucrecia was still half asleep, I approached her, I saw her sweating, I bumped into her forehead and she had a fever, I don’t know what happened to her, I only know that the first thing that occurred to me was to put cold compresses on her forehead and talk to her.

Oh God… Lucrecia honey wake up, let’s go (patting her face)

-Ugh!!! (Waking up all shaky)

-Calm down love, here I am, come let’s go to the bathtub, it will calm your fever,

-I love you. I love Gab………… (She closed her eyes)

-No, no, come on, wake up, please

Lucrecia had fallen asleep, she was breathing but was unable to wake up at that moment, Victoria continued placing cold cloths on her forehead until the fever went down, she woke up with her whole body sore, while Victoria caressed her she saw that she had a bruise on her right thigh, a blow to the forehead and a split mouth, what had happened is that Alti invaded the passageways of her dream and had been fighting.

-Xena… what are those? …. (Caressing her face)

-Gabrielle….. (Complains in pain)….you remember that I told you that Alti was wanting to disturb my mind and my dream passages….

-yes…(hugs Lucrecia)

-I took those sleeping pills, since they were supposed to block the passageways of sleep, but they didn’t work.

-No!….what can we do to stop it?

-The only thing that stops Alti, is our true love, but to show her that we love each other we will have to be both in my dream passages.

-How can we do that?

-Do not even think about it!

-but we have to stop her Xena, if not, she’s going to kill you…how can we do that?

-We would have to do a ritual, and fall asleep, but I don’t want to risk you, she is very strong.

-But you said that our love is the only thing that can stop her.

-Gabrielle is dangerous, we run the risk of staying out of our bodies, because we would make an astral journey, once inside, we will be disconnected from our body.

-Xena, it doesn’t matter, I would take the risk to save you and save us.

-Gabrielle this is hard…is not that easy.

-I know, we did before, in our past life, we fighting together.

-I remembered that….and you almost die is for that thing that I don’t want you to risk, let me think in other way, I will figure out something.

-I’m scare that I can lose you! I don’t want to, I lost you once I don’t lost you again.

-you will not lose me…I promise you….but this is something that I need to risk alone…


-If you love me, I need you strong…Do you love me?

-Yes with all my life.

-then Gabrielle (holding’s hands)…let me try another way.

-well….(worried)….but, How I can help you then?

-you can woke me up in 10 minute if you see I don’t, I trust you, I know you can.

-but…well ok..


CONTINUE The Call part 3