Fanfics sobre Xena a Princesa Guerreira

84 Resultados com o alerta "PG13"

Definição: Maiores de 13 anos; História com insinuação a sensualidade; Violência moderada; Vocabulário que pode ser ofensivo;

G (49) NC17 (177) PG (13)
  • Capítulo

    Everything I lost in the Forest (English version, all chapters)

    Everything I lost in the Forest (English version, all chapters) Capa
    por Officer Kiramman Everything I lost in the Forest Chapter 1 I fell to the ground, still feeling the impact against my jaw resonating against the bones of my face. The taste of blood filled my mouth and for a moment my vision was blurred. I remained lying on the ground, breathing deeply and contemplating the disgrace of my own existence. Knocked out. Reduced to nothing. So, this was how I had made her feel before. My abdomen was sore, my eyebrow had an ugly gash and there were several bruises all over my body, but…
    Eve • Gabrielle • Varia • Xena
  • História

    Encontro Inesperado

    Encontro Inesperado Capa
    por MNS Desafio: Clube dos Bardos – Setembro de 2024 Proposta: Enemies to lovers Estilo de Fanfic: Clássica