XenaGirls LoveLesbianLGBT+RomanceUniverso AlternativoGabrielleXena

Until We Meet

by Princess Warrior bard



G: how can I go on without you?

Xena’s Soul: I’ll always be with you, no matter where or when, but I’ll be here with you (pointing to Gabby’s heart)

G: what am I going to do when I want to feel you and see you?

Xena’s soul: look at the sky, at the sunset, at the stars and somewhere you’ll find me.

G: I will miss you.

Xena’s Soul: I’ll miss you too, but you’ll find me.

G: when and where?

Xena’s soul: I don’t know Gabrielle, I must go for now, I will love you forever

G: I will love you forever.

Xena’s soul disappeared as the sun went down, so the days, months, years passed and Gabrielle traveled alone with Xena’s ashes with the hope of finding her again, remembering every moment with her, every day, every second, the sadness was so strong, wanting to be in Xena’s arms, there came a time that she couldn’t take it anymore, she decided to die, she won a bottle of poison that let you sleep for eternity, she took it between tears, to be with love of her life, somewhere, sometime in the world.

Gabrielle talking with Xena staring at the sunset in the ocean, crying.

“I am sorry Xena, I promise you to keep going but, without you I can’t go further than this, everything is so confusing, everything is so sad, there is not a second of my life that I missing you, wanting to be with you, every day without you is hell in my life, you said that I would find you, years had passes and I still can’t find you, I decide to Throw away my life maybe in that way in eternity, another life I can find you, I love you forever”

Those were Gabrielle’s last tearful words before she swallowed that poison to sleep forever with a hope of meeting the love of her life, in another Life and time.

End of flashback

The phone rings, an unexpected call that would change Lucrecia’s destiny… Lucrecia is a 25-year-old girl from New Zealand, tall, elegant light brown hair, blue eyes, Catholic family Lucrecia’s dream was to go to study business administration and producer at one of the most important universities in California, she had applied and was just waiting for a response, Lucrecia had a very difficult life when she was young, she worked to help her family, her parents always supported her in any decision she made , became independent and worked until he saved money for her future.

 “I can’t believe that they called me from UCLA university telling me that they accepted me for the summer semester, I feel so lucky, thank God that my parents support me and God willing I will be traveling next week, to fulfil my dream. The big day arrived to go to California, I felt very anxious, happy and a little sad because I will leave my parents here in NZ but I know that I will be fine and fulfilling my dreams, but I feel that something is missing in my life I hope to find it there where will I be, I went to the airport I boarded the plane the trip was long about 15 hours very exhausting”

Otherwise, Victoria, a girl who was born in Texas, 22 years old, raised in California, green eyes, medium height, dark blonde hair, golden complexion, had just entered UCLA to study theatre production and painting, Victoria was very calm and applied, worked in a café near her home, because she also became independent at an early age and moved to an apartment in LA and got another job as a journalist in a production office where by coincidence she met Lucrecia who was offered a job. Photography job for a very popular magazine in California, which had also offered to her a paid oceanfront apartment for a year.

Lucrecia POV

I finally reached my destination, that penthouse that the company paid me for a year, it is simply beautiful and what a view, just as I love facing the sea, I went to the bathroom to take a bubble bath, in that very relaxing Jacuzzi, I went out I went to bed, but when I was sleeping an image came to me, I saw myself with a girl, looking at the sunset, suddenly my heart tightened, a pang, I felt a pain that made me wake up, take a deep breath , I felt strange with what happened to me, I had never felt that, I saw the clock and it was 4 in the morning, I went to the kitchen and had a glass of water, I kept thinking about it, but I thought “maybe it was a dream” try to relax and sleep because tomorrow is my first day at work and I need to rest, so I went to bed, looking at the ceiling trying to fall asleep.

6:00 am

I arrived at work punctually, filled with excitement and a lingering disbelief that I was employed as a photographer for a prominent magazine in Los Angeles. My primary motivation is to work diligently and contribute to my family’s well-being. However, what truly matters to me is the gratification of working in a field I am passionate about. Engrossed in my project, I took a break to visit the bathroom where I unexpectedly encountered a girl who immediately captured my attention. Strangely, it felt as if I had known her forever, evoking a peculiar sensation. My heart raced, and I found myself struggling to breathe, a sensation both exhilarating and disconcerting, when Lucrecia shook her hand, a memory came to both of them, a strange image, but they both froze, they looked into each other’s eyes and Victoria began to cry, but Lucrecia had lost her breath…


-Hello… you are?

-Lucretia (she shakes his hand)… nice to meet you.

-I… (Accelerated breathing)….(said Lucretia)

-so, sorry…. I don’t know what happened to me (feeling dizzy)

-are you OK?…..(said Lucrecia)

– I don’t know… I feel strange….. (fainting)

-Victoria! (Holding her)…..Victoria please woke up, oh my god!

With no one around to seek assistance from, I retrieved a bottle of alcohol from my bag. I offered it to her to smell, hoping to gauge any reaction. Unfortunately, she showed no response. Concerned, I lifted her into my arms and hurried to the hospital. Upon informing my boss of the situation, he granted me permission to stay with her while she rested. Unable to take her home, I brought her to my apartment. The doctor later explained that she had fainted due to a powerful recollection that overwhelmed her. Strangely, I also experienced a similar reaction when we initially shook hands.

-she needs to rest, I prescribed her some pills to relax, I think she has been through some pressure….have you known her for a long time?

-Not really, I met her today at work, but I don’t know why I feel like I’ve known her for a lifetime, it’s something strange.

-sometimes happens.

-Yes, I guess so.

-When she wakes up, you can go.

-I can sit here with her.

-Of course, Miss Lucrecia.

-Thank you doctor.

After a few hours Victoria woke up, a little confused, because she did not remember what happened, when she woke up she saw that angelic face, smiling sideways, those blue eyes, that look of passion, that smell was familiar to her, She didn’t hesitated to hug her with fear, she felt heat and chills at the same time, and although she still didn’t remember who she was, she felt protected in those arms.


-you woke up…thank god (smiling sweetly)

-Lucrecia (hugging her)

-Are you okay? (Hugging her)

-Thank you for taking care of me, and being with me.

– (Looking at her sweetly)… I always will be, of course if you allow me. (Hugging her)

– I….

– Calm down…(hugging her)….you need to rest.

-I… you know, I don’t really know what’s happening to me, but… I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime.

-that’s funny, the same thing happens to me when I’m with you.

-Are you serious?

– Yes…

-perhaps we met in another life… could be?

-in life everything is possible (smiles for her)

– Do you believe in life after life? Do you think two old souls can meet?

-I am not sure if there is another life after life, but I can assure you when two souls are destined to be together, even if it is in another life, destiny is in charge of bringing them together…are you ready to go?

Victoria nodded.After we leaving the hospital and taking Victoria to my department, I could hardly sleep at all, when I finally could sleep that image appeared again, this time it was kissing that girl, I woke up drenched in sweat, I saw the clock and it was 4 o’clock In the morning, I went to the kitchen for a glass of water, and I prepared a tea to be able to relax and sleep, I approached through the window and saw that view of the sea that left me enormously calm but brought back memories of something…..of something that I don’t know what it meant, I didn’t give it much thought so I went to sleep again, I lay down looking at the ceiling I couldn’t stop thinking about what Victoria asked me, ” if there really is life after life?” “Can two old souls really meet again?” I didn’t know the answer but what I am sure of is that feeling when I’m with Victoria is something strange and very strong… between thoughts I fell asleep.

the next morning Lucrecia was late for work, she had insomnia, she fell asleep around 5 am to wake up at 7 am to get to work at 8, the same thing happened to Victoria, Lucrecia and Victoria they ran into each other at the entrance to the office with their hair tousled, the only difference being that Lucrecia had a cup of coffee in her hand.

-hurry! The boss is going to kill us!

-I can’t run, I can barely walk…

-LOL! Didn’t you sleep last night?

-I couldn’t, I had a nightmare, I got up all wet with sweat.

-You will feel better in the course of the day, come on, let’s hurry, let’s go to the bathroom so you can wash your face and wake up.

-And you slept?

-Well, I couldn’t either, but I got up early, only that the traffic took me to get here.


-But come on, let’s go.

Victoria pulls Lucrecia by the hand to make her hurry up.

Reuben, their boss, notices they’re running a bit late but refrains from scolding them. He understands the situation, having been aware of their victory the previous day. Seeing Lucrecia with her dishevelled hair, he chuckles instead.

-hey girls….what happened to you…I see you have a day…

-Don’t said anything….. (laughs)

-Do you want a coffee?

– Sure, I need it.

After a productive day, the girls opted for a relaxing beach stroll. Seated on the sandy shore, they enjoyed the breathtaking sunset, engaging in conversation and savouring ice cream. With a day off ahead, they aimed to make the most of it. As Lucrecia gazed at the sunset, a sudden flashback overwhelmed her. Turning her attention to Victoria, she locked eyes with her. Victoria, caught off guard, felt a mixture of confusion and surprise as Lucrecia touched her face. However, when their eyes connected, an undeniable passion and unconditional love stirred within Victoria, leaving both of them bewildered by the inexplicable intensity of the moment. Lucrecia, sensing Victoria’s slight unease, realized that the unexpected connection had startled her friend.

-I’m sorry Victoria, I…

-don’t worry… but, what happened to you?

-I don’t know sometimes when I see you, I have a flashback.


-Yes, I feel like I’ve known you before.

-eh… the same thing happens to me… Lucrecia, who were we? in another life maybe?

-I’m not sure, I don’t know if it was in another life, but we must have or had a very strong bond, I’m as surprised, as you are… the flashbacks I have are blurry, and it’s only for a moment then they disappear.

-The same thing happens to me…we should ask for professional help.

-no, Victoria we are going to leave things between you and me, there will come a time when we will remember everything, I don’t know what will happen that day, but I hope we have each other.

-is fine…

-I think it’s better to go home and rest, tomorrow we have the day off, we can get together again of course if you want.

-I want, I like being by your side, it’s strange but I feel good and protected with you.

-You bring me an intense peace, and I love your company too.

-then…where will we meet tomorrow? Do you want right here? Or do you want to go somewhere else?

-Well, I don’t know, you’re the one who knows about here, so I’ll let myself be carried away by you.

-Then I’ll take you to a place you’ll like.

-Okay, shall we go?

-Yes let’s go.




  1. The Call
    2.560 Words
  2. The Call part 2
    2.193 Words