Cover of Rekindling Flames
XenaGirls LoveLesbianLGBT+RomanceUniverso AlternativoGabrielleXena

Rekindling Flames

by Princess Warrior bard

They say “you never forget your first love”, but for Lucy wasn’t her first love but the first woman that she fall in love. She has met Renee when they were both working in Xena Warrior Princess. And they had fallen hard and fast for each other.
But life had another plans, after Xena warrior princess finished, they has to face the harsh reality, Lucy wanted to settle down and have a family with the man who married her, and Renee wanted to pursue her career as producer and have a family, They try to make it work, but the distance and the difference became too much and they went their separate ways.
Renee went back to California where she could start her new career as producer. She use part of her earns as an actress and buy at theatre there. years later she got married to a lovely man and she got pregnant with her first child, then she got divorced and got married again in 2017 and had her second child.
In the other hand Lucy get settled in her actual country, Auckland NZ, embraced the winds of change that took her back to her homeland, surrounded by the breathtaking landscapes that had once been the backdrop of her adventures as Xena Warrior Princess, she embarked on a new journey with “My Life Is Murder.” Despite the distance, Lucy never stopped thinking in Renee, her feelings for Ren were increasing, she tried to distract herself, but sometimes the lack of being with Renee was so much that she felt empty.
 Years have passed since the last time they got together, and Renee is a successful producer, married to a handsome and wealthy man, and living in a luxurious house. She has everything she ever wanted….. Except happiness. She feels empty, bored, and trapped in a loveless marriage. She wonders “What happened to me? “I used to have a fun and free life back in NZ, when I was with Lucy and we been together always and living adventures, and we used to have fun and enjoy ourselves”
Lucy POV
I was in my bedroom resting a bit after a productive and funny day on my set “My Life Is Murder” was a very fun day with the cast in our break I made some coffee and inviting them to come over and talk about our ideas, one of the ideas is bring my Ren in the first section but for some freaky reason it didn’t work out, which made me think was never going to happens, I barely communicated with her because our schedules is very crazy and also she was working in some especial play called the Beauty and the Beast,  As I reclined on my plush couch, I couldn’t help but replay the day’s events in my mind. The laughter on the set, the camaraderie with my co-stars, and the aromatic blend of coffee still lingered in my senses. Despite the up beat atmosphere, there was a subtle tension beneath the surface, one that mirrored the unresolved emotions between Ren and me. I gazed out of the window, the city lights twinkling like distant stars, and my thoughts drifted to Ren. We had always shared a unique connection, one that transcended the boundaries of friendship. The idea of bringing her onto the set was exciting, but fate seemed to have a different plan. The complications of her special play, “Beauty and the Beast,” threw a spanner into our plans, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through our messages, trying to find a moment when we could synchronise our schedules. The demands of our respective projects made it challenging to find common ground. Ren was immersed in the magical world of theatre, while I navigated the intricate web of crime-solving on the set of “My Life Is Murder.” The distance between us grew not just physically but also emotionally, as I pondered our situation, a mix of longing and frustration welled up within me. The uncertainty of our future interactions added an extra layer of complexity to our already intricate relationship. It wasn’t just about bringing Ren onto the set; it was about bridging the gaps that life had thrown in our way. The soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminated the room, casting a warm hue on the framed photos that adorned the walls. Among them, there was a picture of Ren and me from a time when everything seemed simpler. Our smiles in that
Photograph held the promise of a connection that transcended time and space. Lost in my thoughts, I heard the distant sounds of the city night. It was in these moments of quiet reflection that I couldn’t escape the questions nagging at me. Would our paths align again? Could we find a way to break through the barriers that life had erected between us? The answers eluded me, hidden in the shadows of the night. As I closed my eyes, the memories of our shared laughter and the aroma of freshly baked bread lingered, creating a bittersweet tapestry of emotions. The next chapter of our story remained unwritten, suspended in the delicate balance between the demands of our careers and the longing for a connection that time and circumstances seemed determined to test.
The faint sound of a text alert broke through my reverie, pulling me back to reality. I glanced at my laptop to see a message from Ren. My heart skipped a beat as I read her words, apologising for the hectic schedule and expressing her longing to catch up soon. A surge of hope and excitement coursed through me as I typed out a reply, suggesting a time for us to meet and discuss the possibility of bringing her onto the set. The anticipation of a potential reunion filled me with a sense of renewed purpose and determination. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I was willing to do whatever it took to reignite the connection we once shared. As I hit send, a sense of optimism washed over me, dispelling the doubts and uncertainties that had clouded my mind. The night air now felt charged with possibility, as if the universe was conspiring to bring us back together. And as I drifted off to sleep, a smile played on my lips, knowing that our story was far from over.
Reading Text message from Ren.
-Hello love, nice to contact you… it’s been a while since we wrote… you know, I spend my time thinking about you. Everyday, I really miss you. And all those things we did… Do you remember? I’m sorry I didn’t contact you sooner, but my schedule has been hectic, but I hope to meet soon… waiting for your response. , I miss you love.
Answering Ren’s message
-Hello, honey….I hope you are well, thanks for the message, it’s funny, the same thing is happening to me as you. I can’t stop thinking about all the things we did together. Despite the distance I live thinking of you…..I feel empty….I’m sorry for all the lost time……I just want us back as we were…looking forward to meet you soon.
Ren’s reply came swiftly, expressing her eagerness to meet up and discussing the possibility of rekindling our connection and working together again. We quickly set a date to meet in person, the excitement building with each exchange of messages. The prospect of seeing her again after so long filled me with a mix of nervousness and joy.
Renee POV
Was incredible that Lucy call me for meet us and a job offer to work with her in her latest series “My Life is Murder” didn’t expect that we have like I don’t know maybe 3-4  years from now didn’t meet each other because we were with very hectic schedules, it will be fun, I didn’t think it was real, specially we knew how challenging it would be get me through border control, she wats me to work in the first section but it was a little difficult because the pandemic and also because I had to reschedule my play for those dates, it made impossible for me go to Auckland NZ, I trying everything I can do to be on time, even in the second section from the series…… I made to Auckland but I was a little nervous, I will see the woman who stole my heart since the first time we worked together in Xena Warrior princess….but here I am, I made to Auckland NZ, but the bad news is that they put me in quarantine in the hotel room for several days because the pandemic, couldn’t get out from the room, anyways I was treating Lucy during the quarantine with putting sheets out the window of my hotel room and climbing down….I must be crazy but was the only way to see her a little bit faster, unbelievably my heart almost fell out of my chest, just seeing her from far, talking, smiling, her gaze her funny and goofy side it catch me, it captivates me…..How can that be possible? After so many years she still kills me, by the time they took away my quarantine just right Lucy’s birthday, I was on the line with my mask on, but she was getting her lunch so I just stand there waiting for her, when she came I wish her “Happy Birthday” and give her a hug but she didn’t recognize me, it was really awkward, As Lucy turned to face me, a puzzled expression crossed her face. The mask covering half of mine didn’t help in recognition, but as I spoke, her eyes widened with surprise.
-Lucy, it’s me, Rene! (I exclaimed, pulling down my mask to reveal my face.)
-Rene! Oh my gosh, I didn’t recognize you with the mask.
-Lucy C’mon!!!! I mean I know is been a long time but…..damn girl!
-didn’t recognize you!!!That was awkward… could be? I thought you didn’t get here but I’m glad you made it, even if it involved some hotel window escapades (chuckle)
-How do you know that?(Chuckle)…..
 -I just know!!!!….. (Gaze at Renee’s eyes)…I know you well…. let’s go somewhere else.
-alright…..Yeah, well, you know me, always finding a way to make an entrance. But enough about that, how have you been, honey?
– (stops and caresses Renee’s face tenderly)……well you know, the usual….What about you darling?
– (Ren Glaze at her and gave her a softly and warm smile)……I wasn’t feeling myself all those time……
-Want to talk about…(Hugging her)……
-Yeah… I do. (Sigh) It’s just been a tough couple of months, you know? I’ve been feeling lost, like I don’t know who I am anymore.
-what makes you feel that way honey?
-I don’t know….I guess is because I missed you so much…like when a piece of a puzzle missing….I thought that would be happy in my married life, I got everything I want in my life….(Sigh)….but I don’t feel happiness anymore…
-Oh Ren honey, I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way…… (Hugging her tightly)
Renee tightened her grip on Lucy, seeking comfort in her embrace. They stood there for a moment, the city’s ambient noise fading into the background as they shared a silent understanding. Lucy gently pulled away, holding Renee at arm’s length and looking into her eyes.
-Lucy, I never wanted to bother you with my struggles. I thought…. I maybe could handle it all, but it’s just not as easy as I thought.
-Oh, Rene, you’re never bother me. We’re in this together, always have been. Now, tell me everything. What’s been going on in that beautiful mind of yours?
-It’s just that… I’ve been questioning everything, my choices, my priorities. I thought building this life with Jed would make me happy, but I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself in the process. The career, the house, the picture-perfect life—it’s all there, but the happiness seems elusive, and then there’s you, Lucy. Seeing you after all this time, it’s like a flood of emotions. I realize how much I missed you, missed us. I never stopped loving you, Lucy.
I listened attentively, nodding in understanding. I knew Renee well enough to sense that there was more beneath the surface, A mix of emotions starting blooming on me, I couldn’t hold on and some tears ran down my cheeks quickly….God, life really dealt us a big blow, separating our paths, trying to bury the feelings, but the truth is that they were never buried, they never disappeared, they were always there and they intensified.
-Rene, I never stopped loving you either. Life took us on different paths, but my feelings for you never faded. But I thought you were happy with Jed.
– (looking down)….. I thought so too, but… I’ve been living a lie. Trying to fit into a mould that doesn’t feel right. Lucy….. I need to find myself again. I need to be true to who I am.
(Lucy reached out, cupping Renee’s face and lifting it to meet her gaze)….. Then let’s find your way back together. We’ll figure it out, piece by piece, just like a puzzle. Your happiness matters to me darling.
-but… (Gaze at Lucy’s eyes like looking for something)….How can we start?
-we can start by this…… (Kissing Renee’s mouth)……….
I gently wiped the tears from Renee’s cheeks and smiled reassuringly… I approached her and she approached me and we gave each other a kiss, one of the kisses we gave before in Xena but this time with more passion, she gently pulled away from that kiss. , she looked me in the eyes, I smiled warmly, she hugged me and started to cry, I held Renee in my arms, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing against me. The room was filled with a profound silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle. I continued to caressing her hair gently, offering her the comfort she needed in that vulnerable moment.
-What’s going on, honey? I’m so sorry, if was for the kiss…. I couldn’t help it.
– (sniffle, gaze at Lucy’s eyes)….Don’t be silly… it’s not for the kiss….is just that, I never thought that we would get together again, I thought I had lost you forever.
-lost me? (Caressing Renee’s cheek) Don’t be silly….Why would you lose me?
 Lucy, you disappeared from my life so suddenly. After Xena, I felt like a part of me was missing, and I blamed myself for not being able to keep you close. I thought you had moved on, found someone else, and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you completely.
-I just got Rob and he know about you and me, about what we feel since Xena…sweetheart I never stopped caring about you. Life got complicated, and I had my share of struggles. But you were always in my thoughts, and I never stopped missing the connection we had. It took time for me to find my way back, but here I am.
I thought you were gone for good. I didn’t know if I could handle losing you again.
 Renee, I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that (caressing Renee’s cheeks) I understand how you feel, and I’m sorry for any pain my absence may have caused you. But please know that you never lost me. I’ve always been here, holding onto the memories of what we shared, and hoping for another chance with you.
Renee let out a shaky breath, her tears still flowing but with a hint of relief now mingled with the sadness. She leaned into my touch, seeking solace in the warmth of my embrace.
-but we’re married now…How we do that?
-as we always do… and be with each other any moment we can, escape from our married life, and enjoined ourselves as we always did.
-but it’s not the same….(Sniffle)
-I know it’s not… but we can figure out something (kissing Renee’s mouth) maybe we can go to Italy just you and me or Hawaii and spend some weeks together.
-Italy? sound amazing!(looking at Lucy with tears-stained eyes and smile)
-then Italy it is…we need to look up our schedules to see our free-time, and make it up.
-yes love…I need to go back to the hotel.
-Hotel?….no, Renee you can stay with me.
-Lucy love I already paid for the hotel….
-cancelled…I won’t let you go to the hotel….(kissing Renee’s forehead)
-well ok then…but I need to go for my suitcase.
-Let’s go…
I had accompanied Renee to the hotel, to look for her suitcase, the recordings had ended for today, I felt tired but I wanted to be with Renee away from prying eyes, upon entering the hotel room where she was staying, I approached her, I grab her waist, turn her around to face my face and caress her cheek, she looks at me sweetly and at the same time flirtatious, she bites her lips and smiles maliciously, she sticks to my lips and starts kissing me, we lie down on the bed, we desperately began to undress, she took off my blouse and I took off her
.-Wait!!……(I tell her, taking off my jeans.)…….
-mmmmm……I like it! (she said taking off her jeans)
-Oh yeah?
-absolutely…. (biting her lips)
We stayed in our underwear, we lay on the bed hugging each other, kissing… I took off my bras and helped her take off hers, leaving us with our breasts exposed. I began to explore her body, caressing each curve in it., but Renee placed me under her, and began to caress every curve of my body… I wasn’t holding on much, I was full of tension, she saw me, and placed her hand between my legs, and felt my wetness, even with the lace panties on.
-oh! (looking maliciously at Lucy)
-(sighs)…..Did you see?….(fast breath)….
-I see (biting her lips)….You’re wet, honey. (slide Lucy’s lace panties on the side)…I will take off your lace thong my love.
– (moan softly arching her back)…….ugh!!!…I don’t think I’ll hold any longer…….(short breath)
-I want to make you feel good! (slid her fingers under Lucy’s thong)
Renee gently slid her fingers under the waistband of Lucy’s lace thong, feeling the warmth and anticipation radiating from her body. With a soft smile, she began to slowly pull the delicate fabric down Lucy’s slender legs, taking her time to enjoy the sight of her lover’s response to her seductly touch that make Lucy even feel more wet and exciting, Renee bite her lips, gaze at Lucy’s eyes and start to kissing her while her hand try to slide down Lucy’s lace tong…..As the thong reached Lucy’s knees, Renee helped her step out of it, tossing it aside carelessly. Now completely naked, Lucy lay before Renee, her skin glowing under the soft light of the room. Renee traced her fingers lightly over Lucy’s inner thighs, feeling the excitement that had been revealed.
-you’re so ready my love! (caressing Lucy’s tight)
I knew I couldn’t last long, each touch from Renee on my most sensitive parts made me arch my back, Renee captured my lips while she gently touched my pussy, my hips moved to the rhythm that she moved her hands, my breathing slowed.It was getting more difficult, I felt like I was going to explode, and let everything out. If she puts her fingers in me I swear I won’t last. I try to hold a little longer but it almost impossible. Renee, sensing the intensity of the moment, decided to take things further. She gently parted my legs wider, feeling my wet, yearning core to her. Her eyes locked onto mine, filled with passion and desire, as she slowly slid a finger into me. The feeling was overwhelming, and I gasped, my hips bucking against her touch.
Renn POV
Seeing Lucy so vulnerable to my touch, to my kisses, I felt that time was never wasted, I felt alive, I want to make her come very delicious, she was already all excited, all wet, the wetness was running down her inner thighsI first introduced a gentle finger into her, while I looked into her eyes, her back was arched, her breathing was short and her cheeks were all red, I felt like she was about to explode, she moaned softly, and sighed deeply, as I knew.that she was not holding on much, I introduced two fingers and began to move them gently inside her, with each movement of my fingers her hips arched more, I saw that she grabbed the sheets of the bed, and her body began to tremble, because she istrying to ensure ejaculation, but her body was no longer resisting.
-Renee (takes a deep breath)……wait!……
-Do you want me to stop my love?
-Let me catch my breath…….I swear I can’t hold it….I need……(soft moaning)……
-I know my love… don’t talk (kissing Lucy on the mouth sweetly while she continued moving her fingers faster this time inside Lucy)
-Ren……(Rapid breathing)….I’m going to cum……(difficulty breathing)…….I’m not holding on anymore.
-cum for me love (whispering in Lucy’s ears)…….
At that moment, as I knew that Lucy was going to explode in an orgasm, I went down to her pussy, and began to kiss her and suck her gently. She couldn’t contain herself any longer, and she came hard. I smiled mischievously. I went up to her breasts, then to her neck.mouth, I continued inserting my fingers into her, until she couldn’t take it anymore, and another wave of orgasm ran through our bodies, and we both came once again, Lucy was already trembling with her cheeks blushing, when we finished, we stayed there ILeaning on her shoulder caressing her ribs, she caressed my hair, I looked into her eyes and kissed her.
-How do you feel my Love?
-(deep breath)…….I feel amazing honey, alive….and you how do you feel darling?
-I feel like if I am complete the puzzle….I feel happiness, love, alive…..feeling myself…. Lucy?
-(closinf eyes)…ummhu….
-how will we do it? After this, I don’t know if I can be away from you…
-Honey, we’ll find a way… (stroking Renee’s hair)….. we’ll see what we can do, how we’ll find the time (she kisses his forehead and caresses the part of her ovaries)
-Are you okay Lucy?
-yes darling…
-does something hurt you love?
-(smiles sideways) ….. No… it’s nothing… (kissing her on the mouth)… let me go to the bathroom quickly….
-Yes love, it’s okay.
Lucy POV
I had to go to the bathroom, there were several strong orgasms that hurt my ovaries, but I had never felt so alive, so satisfied, not even with Robert, I had to release all that accumulated tension, Renee also released all that tension I had, it hurt.even to pee… I took a deep breath, flushed my bladder and went back to the bed where Renee was lying. I lay down on her side, she had fallen asleep but as soon as she felt me she settled back on my shoulder, hugging me. I felt tired, still recovering from those Orgasms. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
-Umm…I thought you were asleep!
-No, I just closed my eyes…will we stay here tonight?
-Do you want us to stay here darling?
-But what about Robert?……(sighs)
-He is in his personal affairs… I sent him a text letting him know that I will stay with you.
-(smiles flirtatiously and kisses her)…I love you Lucy!
-(closing his eyes)….I love you Renee! (smiles sideways)….now let’s rest, I’m dead…tomorrow we have work to do.
-Yes my love…..we have recordings right?
As they lay there, drifting off to sleep, Renee couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness she hadn’t experienced in a long time. She knew that tomorrow would bring its own set of challenges, but for now, she was grateful for the warmth and love they shared. Lucy’s hand gently stroked her back, providing a sense of comfort and security. In the quiet of the night, they both drifted off to sleep, their hearts entwined in a bond that transcended the boundaries of their previous relationships. They knew that they had a journey ahead of them, one that would require strength, courage, and honesty. But for tonight, they allowed themselves to be wrapped up in the warmth of each other’s embrace, cherishing the moment and the love they had found in one another.
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